Since 1995, Sentech – headquartered in Oslo, Norway – has been providing advanced measurement and sensor solutions to oil & gas companies around the world. By using sensors and software, Sentech provides clients with real-time monitoring of water in any type of oil. The company developed and patented a technology (the single electrode capacitance sensor) that forms the core of its products. Sentech’s success is down to its highly accurate and stable measurements. The company was previously a subsidiary of former Norvestor portfolio company Advantec, which was sold in 2015.
“By using sensors and software, we can provide customers with real-time monitoring of water in any type of oil across several process industries"
- Investment date: April 2010
- Exit date: June 2023
- Country HQ: Norway
- Industry: Industrial Services & Solutions
- Sales 2018: NOK 21.5M
- Fund: Fund V
- Web page: www.sentech.no
Jon Morten Halleraker, CEO
Torstein Floden, CFO
Board of Directors
Fredrick Gyllenhammar Raaum (Chairman)
Jan Kåre Pedersen
Magnar Aaland
Oddbjørn Eliasson
Svein Kolbein Halleraker
Astrid Koppernæs
Trond Bjørnøy