Simon Bodjanski Portfolio Manager

Simon joined Norvestor in 2022 as an Interim Portfolio Manager. He is acting as conducting officer for Norvestor Investment Management, Norvestor Luxembourg based AIFM. He is a Private Equity seasoned professional with 20+ years of experience in corporate and fund governance, investment and portfolio management.


  • Independent Minds, Founder & Managing partner
  • Conducting Officer with several global corporate & services leaders
  • Intesa Sanpaolo Bank - corporate & financial engineering division: Head of Business Development


  • I.L.A., Luxembourg – Certified Corporate Governance Professional
  • S.B.S.E.M. Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium – Master in Finance
  • Université de Nancy2 & I.A.E., France – Master in Business Administration
  • E.S.E.J., Belgium – BA in Marketing Management